Master Amazon Display Ads: Strategies for Skyrocketing Sales

by | Sep 4, 2023 | Amazon PPC

Amazon Display Ads have become a crucial part of any e-commerce brand’s advertising strategy. With Amazon’s massive reach and detailed targeting capabilities, display ads present a huge opportunity to drive awareness, engagement, and sales. This guide will provide an overview of Amazon Display Ads and actionable tips to help your brand succeed.

First, what exactly are Amazon Display Ads? Put simply, they are visual banner ads that appear in various places across Amazon’s platforms. From the homepage to product detail pages and even Amazon Prime Video, display ads can put your brand in front of millions of Amazon’s most valuable shoppers.

Compared to Sponsored Products that appear in search results, display ads offer more versatility and visibility. Now let’s explore how to effectively leverage them.

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon Display Ads offer a valuable opportunity to capture the attention of potential customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales.
  • Using advanced targeting capabilities, such as ASIN-level targeting and audience campaigns, can help you reach the right audience for your products.
  • Optimizing your display ads requires selecting high-quality products, using a diverse mix of complementary ASINs, varying your creative, and monitoring performance metrics.
  • Follow key steps to set up and launch your Amazon Display Ad campaigns, including defining product targeting, specifying audience targeting, and creating compelling ads.
  • Implement advanced strategies like promoting your full catalog to existing customers, cross-selling top products to buyers of specific ASINs, and continuously testing and optimizing your campaigns for maximum results.


In the highly competitive world of ecommerce, brands are constantly vying for customer attention. In this landscape, Amazon Display Ads offer a valuable opportunity to stand out and capture the interest of potential customers. Unlike Sponsored Products that are focused solely on search, display ads provide brands with a wider range of placement opportunities. These ads can reach audiences who are browsing Amazon’s site for inspiration and recommendations, exposing your brand to a larger pool of potential customers. By utilizing Amazon display ads PPC, you can differentiate yourself from competitors who are solely bidding on keywords.

The effectiveness of Amazon Display Ads is evident in the impressive results achieved by leading brands. Many have experienced explosive sales increases of over 140% through the use of display ads. The expanded visibility provided by these ads goes beyond targeting only those who are actively searching for your products. This increased exposure drives discovery and introduces your brand to new audiences who may not have been aware of your offerings otherwise.

In addition to driving sales, display campaigns also excel in boosting brand awareness metrics such as recall and consideration. A study conducted by Amazon Advertising found that Sponsored Brands, which include display ads, increased aided awareness by 2.9 times compared to Sponsored Products alone. This demonstrates the power of display ads in creating brand recognition and consideration among potential customers.


Amazon Display Ads offer a range of standout capabilities that make them uniquely valuable for brands. One such capability is the retail awareness feature, which ensures that your ads are never displayed when the promoted product is out of stock. This not only protects your branding but also prevents overpromising unavailable inventory to potential customers. By utilizing this feature, you can maintain a positive customer experience and avoid any negative associations with your brand.

Another standout capability of Amazon Display Ads is the granular ASIN-level targeting. This level of precision allows you to promote specific products that require a visibility boost, without wasting resources on irrelevant ads. By targeting specific ASINs, you can effectively reach the audience that is most likely to be interested in those particular products, maximizing the impact of your advertising efforts.

Group of people having strategic planning on Amazon display ads

Audience campaigns are another powerful tool offered by Amazon Display Ads. These campaigns leverage Amazon’s rich customer data to re-engage high-value users who have previously visited your site but did not make a purchase. By targeting these users specifically, you have the opportunity to remind them of your brand and products, increasing the likelihood of conversion. This personalized approach can be highly effective in driving sales and building customer loyalty.

In addition to advanced targeting capabilities, display ads also offer more advanced segmentation options compared to broad keyword targeting. You can refine your audience based on interests, shopping behavior, device usage, and more. This level of segmentation allows you to tailor your ads to specific customer segments, increasing their relevance and effectiveness.

Furthermore, Amazon Display Ads provide flexible bid types such as cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM). This flexibility gives you better control over your budget and advertising strategy. You can choose the bid type that aligns with your goals and optimize your campaigns accordingly. Additionally, Sponsored Brands even offers 100% Share of Voice (SOV), allowing you to dominate the ad space for specific keywords and increase your brand visibility.


To optimize your Amazon Display Ads for maximum performance, it’s important to be selective in the products you promote. Focus on your true “retail ready” winners that have strong reviews, high-quality images, and sufficient inventory depth. Avoid promoting products with shallow selection or poor customer feedback. By promoting high-quality products, you increase the chances of attracting potential customers and driving conversions.

When setting up your display ad campaigns, it’s recommended to use at least 10+ ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) in your product targeting. Promoting a diverse mix of complementary products performs better than running campaigns with a single ASIN. This allows you to reach a wider audience and increase the chances of capturing the attention of potential customers who may be interested in related products.

Another tip for optimizing your display ads is to build upon the momentum from successful Sponsored Products and Brands campaigns. If you have already identified winning products through these campaigns, cross-leverage them in your display ads to increase their impact. By leveraging products that have already proven successful, you can maximize the effectiveness of your display ads and increase the likelihood of driving conversions.

To keep your display ads fresh and engaging, it’s important to vary your creative. Test different ad formats, layouts, text, and visuals to see what resonates best with your target audience. Dynamic content performs particularly well as it allows for personalization based on the viewed product. By tailoring your ads to the specific product being viewed, you can create a more personalized and compelling experience for potential customers.

Monitoring the click-through rate (CTR) in each placement is crucial for optimizing your display ads. Identify low-performing areas and refine your targeting to cut out those placements that are not generating sufficient engagement. By focusing on higher CTR placements, you can increase the visibility of your ads and improve their overall performance. Regularly analyze the performance metrics of your display ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.

Optimizing your Amazon Display Ads requires a careful selection of products, using a diverse mix of complementary ASINs, leveraging successful campaigns, varying your creative, and monitoring and refining your targeting based on CTR. By following these tips, you can maximize the performance of your display ads and increase the chances of driving conversions on Amazon.


A person taking action for Amazon display ads

Ready to dive into Amazon Display Ads? Here are the key steps to get started:

1. Log Into Your Amazon Advertising Account – Start by logging into your Amazon Advertising account and navigate to the “Display campaigns” section. This is where you’ll manage and create your display ad campaigns.

2. Click “+ Create Campaign” – Once you’re in the “Display campaigns” section, click the “+ Create campaign” button to begin setting up your campaign.

3. Give Your Campaign a Name and Set the Daily Budget –  When creating your campaign, give it a name that is descriptive and easy to identify. Set a daily budget that aligns with your advertising goals. It’s recommended to start with conservative budget caps as you test the performance of your ads.

4. Configure the Campaign Dates– Specify the start and end dates for your campaign. This allows you to control the duration of your ads and ensure they run during the desired timeframe.

5. Define Your Product Targeting – Select at least 10-20 complementary ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) to promote. These are products that are related or similar to yours. This helps ensure that your ads are shown to relevant audiences. Additionally, you can add negative targeting to exclude poor fits or products that you don’t want your ads to be associated with.

6. Specify Audience Targeting – Under audience targeting, you can specify desired demographics, interests, shopping behavior, and more. You can use Amazon’s built-in audience insights or build custom audiences based on your target market. This helps you reach the right audience for your products.

7. Create Compelling Ads –  Now it’s time to create your display ads. Use compelling text, images, logos, and a clear call-to-action to capture the attention of potential customers. It’s recommended to provide multiple variations of your ads for A/B testing purposes. This allows you to test different creatives and determine which ones perform best.

8. Launch the Campaign –  Once you’ve set up your campaign and created your ads, it’s time to launch it. Click the launch button and let the campaign run for at least 2 weeks. During this time, Amazon’s algorithm will optimize the delivery of your ads to reach the most relevant audience.

9. Monitor Performance Metrics – While your campaign is running, it’s important to monitor performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversions, cost per click (CPC), and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics provide insights into how well your ads are performing and help you make data-driven decisions.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to running successful Amazon Display Ad campaigns. Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns based on performance data to achieve the best results.

Advanced Tips

For seasoned advertisers, display advertising is a powerful tool that can drive significant results. However, to truly maximize the potential of display ads, it’s important to implement advanced strategies that go beyond the basics.

Advanced Tips for maximising Amazon display ads

Here are some pro tips to take your display advertising campaigns to the next level:

1. Promote Your Full Catalog to Existing Customers

One effective strategy is to target prior purchasers with displays of complementary or new releases. By showcasing products that align with their previous purchases, you can increase the likelihood of repeat sales and encourage customers to explore more of your offerings.

2. Cross-Sell Top Products to Buyers of Specific ASINs 

Take advantage of the data you have on your customers’ purchase history. For example, if someone has bought protein powder from you, consider showcasing a popular supplement that complements their purchase. This cross-selling technique can help increase average order value and drive additional revenue.

3. Widen reach through selective category and interest targeting 

While it’s important to stay relevant, don’t limit yourself to targeting only your existing listings. Expand your reach by targeting users who have shown interest in related categories or products. This can help you tap into new audiences and increase brand exposure.

4. Always Be Testing

The key to success in display advertising is continuous experimentation. Test different bid strategies, budgets, product mixes, and creatives to identify what works best for your campaigns. Let data guide your optimization efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.

5. Monitor Impression Share and Use Sponsored Brands

Keep a close eye on your impression share, which indicates how often your ads are shown compared to the total available impressions. If you notice low impression share on high-potential product pages, consider using Sponsored Brands to increase your share of voice and capture more visibility.

6. Review Search Terms Driving Traffic and Add Complementary Keywords

Take advantage of the search terms that are driving traffic to your website. Identify complementary keywords that align with your display targeting and add them to your campaigns. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase the relevance of your ads.

7. Utilize Dynamic Remarketing

Personalization is key in today’s advertising landscape. Implement dynamic remarketing to show personalized ads to users who have previously visited your website or engaged with your brand. By tailoring your ads to their specific interests, you can increase the chances of conversion and drive higher ROI.

The world of display advertising is constantly evolving, with new features and strategies emerging regularly. Stay informed about industry trends and changes in ad platforms to ensure that you are utilizing the latest tools and techniques. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and maintain a competitive edge.

Regulatory Changes and Privacy Concerns in Digital Advertising

amazon display ads
Source: iStock

Digital advertising is continuously evolving, particularly with recent regulatory changes around data privacy. Here’s how these updates impact Amazon Display Ads and what brands can do to navigate these changes effectively:

  • GDPR and CCPA Compliance: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) impose strict rules on data handling and consumer privacy. Amazon has adapted by enhancing transparency and giving users more control over their data. Brands should ensure their ads meet these regulations by obtaining explicit consent for data use and providing clear privacy notices.
  • Limiting Data Usage: With stricter privacy laws, brands must limit their reliance on personal data. Focus on contextual targeting based on page content or product categories instead of personal attributes. This helps maintain effectiveness without compromising user privacy.
  • Anonymizing Data: To further comply with privacy laws, anonymize user data to prevent identification. This allows brands to analyze trends and user behavior without accessing personally identifiable information.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your advertising practices to ensure they align with the latest legal requirements. This proactive approach can prevent potential legal issues and build trust with your audience.

By adapting to these regulatory changes, brands can continue to leverage Amazon Display Ads effectively while respecting user privacy and complying with the law.


Amazon Display Ads are only growing in importance for ecommerce brands. As Amazon rolls out new ad formats and placement options, the opportunity to engage shoppers will reach new heights.

With retail media advertising booming across sites like Amazon and Walmart, retailers will provide the holy grail – closed-loop attribution tying ad exposure to online and in-store sales.For brands willing to commit and learn, Amazon Display Ads offer an unparalleled avenue to increase visibility, brand dominance and sales velocity.

Ready to elevate your Amazon PPC game? Don’t miss out on FosterFBA’s exclusive training program! Unlock proven PPC optimization strategies, gain actionable insights, and secure a competitive edge—whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned seller. Take control of your success today!

Let me know if you have any questions about your Ads Strategy. Happy to do a free audit & strategy session of your entire Ad strategy. 


Vijay FosterFBA CEO/ Founder

Vijay Jacob

Founder, FosterFBA

Helping 7-8 Figure Amazon Sellers grow profitably with their Amazon Advertising


P.S: If you are making over $10K/month and want to take your PPC sales to the next level. We’re offering  “done-for-you” Amazon PPC management & consulting services that does just that. You can schedule a free strategy session and audit of your ads to see if we’re a good fit:


What Are Amazon Display Ads?

Amazon Display Ads are a form of advertising on the Amazon platform that allows brands to promote their products and reach a wider audience. These ads can be targeted based on customer interests, shopping behavior, and other factors, providing brands with a powerful tool to increase visibility and drive sales.

How Do Amazon Display Ads Work?

Amazon Display Ads work by allowing brands to create and display targeted advertisements on the Amazon platform. These ads can appear on product detail pages, search results, and other relevant locations. Brands can choose their target audience, set a budget, and bid for ad placements, ensuring their ads reach the right customers at the right time. You can enhance your Instagram ads by adding music in instagram to make them more engaging.

What’s the Difference Between Amazon Display Ads and Sponsored Products?

The main difference between Amazon Display Ads and Sponsored Products is their placement and targeting. Sponsored Products appear within search results and product detail pages, while Display Ads can be seen on various locations across the Amazon platform. Display Ads also offer more advanced targeting options, including audience and interest-based targeting.

How Can I Optimize My Amazon Display Ads?

To optimize your Amazon Display Ads, focus on creating compelling ad creative that grabs attention and showcases your product’s unique selling points. Use high-quality images and persuasive copy. Additionally, refine your targeting by selecting relevant audiences and interests. Regularly monitor performance metrics and make adjustments to improve ad visibility and conversion rates.

Are Amazon Display Ads Cost-Effective?

Amazon Display Ads can be cost-effective when implemented strategically. By targeting specific audiences and interests, you can reach potential customers who are more likely to be interested in your products. Additionally, Amazon’s robust advertising platform allows you to set budgets and bids, ensuring you have control over your spending. Regularly monitoring and optimizing your campaigns can help maximize your return on investment and make Amazon Display Ads a cost-effective advertising option.

How to monitor Amazon Ads?

To monitor Amazon ads:

  1. Amazon Advertising Dashboard: Track key metrics like ACOS, impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  2. Performance Reports: Analyze data over specific periods to identify trends.
  3. Automatic Alerts: Set up alerts for significant changes in performance.
  4. Keyword Tracking: Regularly review and optimize keyword performance.
  5. Campaign Optimization: Adjust bids, budgets, and targeting based on data.
  6. A/B Testing: Compare different ad creatives and strategies.
  7. Third-Party Tools: Use for advanced analytics and automation.